Don't Be A Victim Of Footer Fraud!
The term "Footer Fraud" is a term we came up to describe the practice of certain builders using outdated techniques to construct sub-par pier footers. A deck, sun room, or pole barn is suppose to be an investment that will last for years to come, but that's hard to guarantee if its not built on a sound footing More often than not, you or the inspect have no idea how a contractor is planning on securing the structure into the ground. The current process for a “Footer Inspection” is in reality only a hole inspection; checking only for proper width and depth.
Previously, the Building Inspector never had the opportunity to actually verify the concrete footer that is part of the Critical Path for a successful construction project. This grey area allows some builders to cut corners to complete the project more quickly and at the cost of safety and protection. Do you know whats buried beneath your deck or sun room? Most people have no clue, and that's why it is so incredibly important to be proactive and ask questions before you sign any paperwork. By requesting that your builder/contractor uses the FailSafe Pier Footer, you know that you will have a safe and dependable Pier Footer with each and every hole.